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The Fox and the Heir [Bachelor For Sale Book 2] Page 2
The Fox and the Heir [Bachelor For Sale Book 2] Read online
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"So tell me.” His breath fanned her cheek as he spoke. “What are your expectations for the evening?"
Jayne swallowed hard. “Expectations?” It was so damn hard to think when he was so close to her. “I...” She hesitated, struggling to think of something to say. “I don't think I really have any."
"Surely that's not true,” David said as his hand gently caressed the back of her neck. “I'm sure you came here with at least one expectation."
"No, not really,” Jayne replied as she craned her neck in an effort to break contact with his fingers. “Well, nothing more than having dinner with you anyway."
"Dinner?” David chuckled softly as he leaned forward and placed his glass on the coffee table. “I guess we can have dinner...” He paused before he added, “After."
Jayne glanced at him in confusion. “After what?” The words were out of her mouth before she'd taken the time to think about it. She winced when David's face moved closer to hers.
He reached into his pocket and deposited two foil packets on the coffee table. It took a moment for Jayne's mind to register just what they were.
"After I fuck you, of course.” He'd said the words smoothly, as if it was nothing out of the ordinary.
Jayne's heart slammed against her chest. This wasn't what she'd signed on for.
She struggled to find the words, struggled to sort out her thoughts as David's hand slowly snaked around her shoulders. She peered at him seconds before his mouth closed over hers. The glass of champagne slipped from her hand and tumbled to the carpeted floor as he pulled her closer, deepening the kiss.
Jayne's hands shot forward, pressing against his chest as his tongue swept inside her mouth. She moaned as she felt his arms encircle her waist, pulling her against his iron-hard chest. Her body sang with sweet desire as she reveled in his bold touch. When had anyone ever kissed her like this? When had a man's mouth made her think such erotic thoughts? She longed for him to rip her dress from her body, to touch her everywhere. She longed to open herself to him, to let him sink deep inside her.
I'm counting on you, Jayne. The words echoed in her head. She wasn't sure whose voice it was at first and then slowly the memory of the old man's words sank into her mind. Don't let me down.
Her own words echoed. I won't. You can count on me.
And still, her body fought. Sweet moisture pooled in her core as she felt David's hand slide beneath the waves of her dress and slowly glide over her thigh. As his mouth continued to plunder hers, she felt his fingers rip through the crotch of her pantyhose and skim over her silk panties.
This is wrong! This isn't why I'm here! And still her body betrayed her. Her legs fell open, giving him easier access.
David tore his lips from hers and gazed at her as his fingers slid beneath the folds of her underwear. He grinned. “Admit it,” he said as his fingers stroked her. “This is why you're here. This,” his fingers slid into her moist core, “is what you want."
Suddenly, reality struck Jayne. The fingers that stroked her felt cold and intrusive. She pushed at his chest and tore away from him, jumping off the sofa. “You bastard!” she cried as she glared at him. “How dare you?"
David seemed undaunted by her sudden move away from him. He reached for his glass of champagne and took a long swallow before he replied. “How dare I what?” he asked harshly. “How dare I offer to fuck you? Why else are you here?"
Jayne wrapped her arms around her chest in an attempt to keep her body from trembling. “You know damn well why I'm here,” she said through clenched teeth.
"Ah, yes,” he replied before he drained his glass and reached for the bottle to refill it. “Dear old Grandfather wants me back."
"If you knew that all along, why did you play games with me?"
"Because I wanted to prove he'd made a mistake sending the likes of you to win me over.” David took a long swallow of champagne as his eyes raked over her. “God, what was he thinking? Have you even fucked a man before?"
"I'll have you know I have a boyfriend,” Jayne replied indignantly.
David snorted. “Pardon me. I stand corrected. I expect you have a very lively sex life then."
Jayne flinched. “If it's any of your business, it's adequate.” He certainly didn't need to know the truth.
David's brows shot up. “What does adequate mean? Does lover boy turn your world upside down when he shoves his cock in you?"
Jayne took several steps back. “This was clearly a huge mistake,” she said. “I think I better go."
David shot up from the sofa and grabbed her arm. “Not so damn fast!” he said through gritted teeth. “There's something I want to ask you first."
Jayne glared at him. “Let me go,” she said.
David held firm, his fingers digging into her arm. “Doesn't it bother you that the old man is willing to sacrifice you for his own gain?"
"That's not how it is,” Jayne said, her temper flaring.
"Isn't it?” David ground out. “Are you that naïve? Don't you know what he's capable of?"
"I know exactly what he's capable of,” Jayne cried angrily. “I know more about your grandfather than you will ever know!"
When David suddenly released his hold on her, Jayne stumbled backwards. She struggled not to fall. David's eyes continued to hold her in place. “You know my grandfather better than I do?” he asked, his voice ominously low.
Jayne gathered her wits and made a beeline for the door. With her hand on the doorknob, she whirled around and looked at David. “I didn't say I know him better,” she said. “I said I know more about him than you do.” She opened the door before she continued.
"Meaning what?” David asked impatiently.
Tears sprang to Jayne's eyes. “I know he's dying!” she cried.
David's face blanched, his brows furrowed. “What did you say?"
Jayne clamped her hand over her mouth. Oh God! What had she done? The one secret Jacob had trusted her with and she'd blown it sky-high.
"I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I wasn't supposed to tell you. I promised Jacob I wouldn't."
David nodded softly. “Understood."
"He wants you back in his life before it's too late,” she confessed softly. “That's why I'm here; that's why he sent me."
David continued to stare at her. “I see,” he said.
Jayne hand shook as she pulled the door open. “Good night, David.” He didn't reply as she closed the door behind her.
Chapter 3
David stared at the door long after Jayne pulled it closed behind her.
Her words echoed in his mind. I know he's dying!
David grabbed the bottle of champagne and filled his glass. As he drank the bubbly liquid, he knew he'd need something stronger. He went to the bar and tossed ice into a tumbler before he filled it with whisky.
Was it possible? Was the old man really dying? Jesus! Assuming Jayne was being truthful, what would it mean? Could David find the strength to forgive his grandfather for the past?
As he tipped the tumbler to his mouth, his mind whirled back twenty years. He was in the hospital waiting room, his mind foggy after having consumed too much booze that night. His grandfather came out of the examination room, blood all over his crisp white shirt. “They're dead,” he'd said, his face strained in anguish. “Both of them are dead."
Eighteen-year-old David walked toward him. His life force had just been drained; he was suddenly without the parents he'd loved so dearly. He desperately needed to know his grandfather would always be there for him.
David wrapped his arms around his grandfather's shoulders and sobbed. Yet Jacob felt stiff and cold. David pulled away and looked at his grandfather. Cold hands clamped on David's shoulders and pushed him away. “If it wasn't for you, I'd have my son and daughter-in-law.” Jacob pointed to the room he'd just left. “That should be you in there,” he said vehemently. “It should be you!"
David shook his head, pushing the memory from his mind. He'd moved on. In fact, h
e'd done very well. He'd taken what he'd learned from his grandfather and made wise investments. And look at him now. At thirty-eight, he was a millionaire, lived the highlife, women sought him out at every turn. No social engagement was complete unless David Strand was in attendance.
So why should he give a sweet shit that the old man was on death's door? Why the fuck should he care?
David walked to the sofa and picked up the crystal flute Jayne had dropped when she'd been in his arms. He placed the glass on the bar.
No matter how he looked at it, Jayne came to him out of a genuine concern for the old man. She'd come in an effort to help his grandfather. The fact she'd almost given herself to him was a sign she'd been ill prepared, in spite of the old man's coaching. Yet, David had to admire her spunk.
The woman he'd considered a little mouse was something more of a sleek little fox this evening. Perhaps he should give the lovely lady another chance.
David knew his grandfather's penchant for playing games. It was entirely possible the old man was lying about his impending demise.
Since he couldn't stomp into his grandfather's office and repeat what Jayne had shared with him, why not let the sweet little fox guide him there?
* * * *
"I take it you had a successful evening with my grandson,” Jacob said as Jayne took a seat across the desk from him.
All right. She'd been rehearsing what she'd say during the hour-long bus ride to work. There was no way to skirt around the issue. She'd have to come right out and tell him.
"I'm not so sure you'd call it successful,” Jayne said as she mentally geared up for the truth.
"Well, I would,” Jacob replied, as he grinned from ear to ear.
Jayne frowned. “You know what happened last night?"
"Don't know the details and I don't care. David's secretary called this morning with a request that he see you again."
Jayne felt her bones turn to jelly. She struggled to remain sitting on the chair. “He wants to see me again?” How crazy is that?
"That's right,” Jacob said. “He's going to pick you up at four today.” The old man's brows waggled suggestively. “You must have done something right last night."
"But, sir..."
"You had the right bait, my girl. You've got him on the hook so reel him in!"
"When you've got him dangling, invite him to my birthday party two weeks from Saturday. I want him there."
Jayne's heart sank. “I'll do my best."
"Good,” Jacob said as he reached for a cigar.
"Sir,” Jayne said quickly, “do you think that's wise considering the circumstances?"
Jacob waved her concern aside. “Not like it'll make any difference now.” He eyed her as he lit a match and touched it to his cigar. “Take the day off to spend at the salon. Davey needs to see you at your best."
Jayne bit down a harsh comment as she left the office. God forbid his precious Davey should see her as she really was. After what had nearly happened last night, the last thing she needed was for David to find her attractive again. Jayne pushed her glasses tighter over her nose. Sorry, David, what you see is what you get! If he didn't like it, too bad. Maybe he'd forget the sexual overtures of the night before and simply listen to her.
* * * *
"I wish you'd try to understand,” Jayne said into her cell phone as she waited in the lobby of Strand Enterprises.
"I want to understand, Jayne,” Tom replied, his voice sullen. “But you cancelled our date last night too. I know this is important to your boss but what about us?"
"This has nothing to do with us,” Jayne replied.
"Tonight's special. I wanted everything to be perfect."
Jayne hesitated. What was so special about tonight?
Tom seemed to pick up on it. “Don't tell me you've forgotten!” he wailed.
She gripped the cell phone tighter. “Uhm, no. Of course I haven't."
Tom wasn't convinced. “All right, tell me why it's special."
Jayne winced, her mind whirled. “Every minute we spend together is special, Tom."
Tom sighed. “It's our four month anniversary,” he supplied.
Oh yeah, that. Had it been four months already?
"And you said you wouldn't have sex with me until we'd been dating four months."
God, she was no more ready to climb into bed with Tom now than she was when she met him at a Christmas party four months ago. She had to admit, he'd been waiting patiently for this day to finally arrive. He hadn't pressured her ... well, not that much anyway. Surely he deserved credit for that.
Still, the idea of having sex with Tom left her cold. The longer she could put him off the better. “I feel terrible.” As she said the words, the gleam of a sleek black limousine caught her attention. “I sincerely wish I could be there,” she said as she saw a uniformed man step out of the limo and approach the front door. “I want you to know that whatever happens, I wish I was with you."
As the chauffeur walked through the swinging doors and made eye contact with her, Jayne closed her cell phone. She was vaguely aware of Tom's voice. “What do you mean whatever happens?” She switched her cell phone off and tucked it into her purse.
The chauffeur didn't say a word. He nodded and waved softly with his white gloved hands. Jayne numbly followed him out the doors to the limo parked on the street. He opened the door before he nodded again and waved his hand in a gracious way.
Jayne peered inside the limo's dark interior. With the tinted windows, she could barely make out the shadowy figure seated at the far end. It was an ominous sight. She hesitated. Something deep inside told her to run.
"Please, Ms. Foxton,” the chauffeur said.
Suddenly, Jayne was sorry she hadn't gone back to the salon to beautify. The idea that David Strand should see her as she really was struck her as a very bad one. She wanted to see him again, in fact, if she was honest with herself, she'd admit she longed to see him again. But what had possessed her to be herself, warts and all, today?
Jayne took a step back on the sidewalk. “I've changed my mind,” she said. “I don't think this is a good idea."
The chauffeur caught her elbow as she backed away. She gazed up at the man in shock when his hand lowered to her back and pushed her toward the open door. Jayne's hands braced on the top of the car as he attempted to push her inside. She gasped when she felt strong arms circle her waist and pull her inside the car.
"Help!” she cried as loud as she could. “I'm being abducted!"
"Stop the dramatics,” David said calmly as he held her against him on the plush leather seat. “Shut the door, Stu."
A pretty blond woman peered inside the limo just before the chauffeur closed the door. “I should be so lucky,” she said.
Jayne pulled herself out of David's arms and skittered across the expanse of the seat. “That was uncalled for,” she said, her hand slowly moving to the handle.
"I'm sorry you feel that way,” David calmly replied. “And by the way, the doors are locked."
Jayne's hand fell away from the handle as she glared at David. “I can't imagine why you'd want to see me again."
"Can't you? After what you told me last night, you shouldn't be surprised."
Jayne's eyes slowly adjusted to the low light in the back of the limousine. Dressed casually in a white t-shirt and navy cotton pants, David looked sexier than ever. His hair looked a little mussed, as if someone had run their fingers through it, and his chiseled face was unshaven. She wasn't sure, but he looked almost tired, like he hadn't gotten any sleep the night before.
She was startled when the chauffeur lowered the window between them. “Where to, Mr. Strand?"
David's chin rose as he considered the question. “75 Wilmot Crescent,” he supplied.
Jayne frowned as the window slowly rolled up again. “That's where I live."
David chuckled softly. “I'm aware of that. Didn't you think I'd do my homework after meeting you?"
God, she so didn't want him in her apartment. “If you wanted answers, you could have just called."
David's deep blue eyes coursed over her from head to toe. “You look a lot different than you did last night,” he said absently.
Jayne's heart squeezed tightly. “I know,” she said. “Your grandfather went all out to make me look attractive for our date.” She pushed her glasses tighter over her nose before she raised her chin defiantly. “But what you see is what you get. I'm not willing to put on airs for any man, certainly not for you."
David grinned. “But I already know what hides beneath those,” his eyes glanced over her again, “layers of fabric. An haute couture gown or business suit, it doesn't matter."
Jayne quelled the sweet sensations coursing through her body at his words. “What do you want from me?” she asked, her voice laced with frustration.
The air in the limo cooled several degrees before David spoke. “What's wrong with my grandfather?"
Jayne's heart lurched. “He asked me not to tell you,” she said. “I shouldn't have said a word."
"But you did,” David said softly. “And you can't take it back. Tell me everything."
"I don't know a lot,” she said as she peered out the window. “He told me he has an inoperable brain tumor. His doctors told him, in the best case scenario, he has four to five months left. And that's if he isn't under a lot of stress."
"I expect the fact his only grandson is estranged is a major source of stress,” David supplied.
Jayne tore her gaze from the window and looked at him. “Of course it is,” she said tightly. “Don't you think Jacob wants to set things right with his only living relative before he dies?"
David frowned, clearly deep in thought. “Yes, I expect he would.” He templed his fingers in front of his mouth as his frown deepened. “But you'd just think the old man could come up with something a little more original."