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April's Fool Page 4

  The boy's brows furrowed as his eyes filled with tears. “No,” he said, his weak voice muted by the oxygen mask.

  "You know we need to do it,” David said. “Do you want me to ask your father in to hold your hand?"

  Scotty's gaze shifted back to April. “Will you stay with me?"

  "Of course,” she replied.

  David would have ordered his nurse to retrieve the needle but since the boy seemed so captivated with her, he left to get it himself. He quickly returned and sat on the stool at Scotty's side again.

  April's eyes met his for a moment before she turned her attention back to Scotty. “All right,” she said softly. “It's time."

  "No!” Scotty cried as his head turned to David.

  "Scotty,” April said. “Remember what I told you? If you don't think about it, it won't hurt as much. Besides, I want to tell you about my cat, Percy."

  The boy turned his attention back to April. “You have a cat?"

  "Yep,” April said. “And Percy had five kittens last week."

  "But Percy's a boy's name."

  "Tell me about it,” April said. “I thought my cat was a boy but I guess she's a girl. Now I have five new kittens and I don't have names for them. Can you think of any good names?"

  "Let me think,” Scotty said as David set to work. The boy's voice halted briefly as the needle was inserted but quickly continued to recite off possible names for the kittens. “Spot. Fluffy. How about Tiger?"

  After the required amount of blood was drawn, David extracted the needle. “All done,” he announced.

  His words went unheard as the boy continued. “And if one of the kittens is a boy, you should call it Percy."

  April grinned from ear to ear. “Those are great names!” she exclaimed. “And guess what? Doctor Dave is done."

  The boy turned his head toward David, he eyes bright with surprise. “No way!"

  "Yes, way,” David said. “You'll be able to go home with your father soon."

  Scotty turned to April. “Can I see my dad?"

  "Of course,” April replied. “I'll ask him to come in right now. I'm sure he's anxious to see you too."

  "Nurse Willows,” David said briskly. “I'd like to see you in my office when you're done here."

  April's blue eyes darkened as she stared back at him. “I won't be able to get away until my shift is over."

  David's eyes challenged her. “I expect to see you in my office within the hour.” He turned his attention back to Scotty before she could reply. “Take good care of yourself, buddy.” But the boy's focus was still on April. David could have sprouted horns and a tail and the kid wouldn't have noticed. He nodded curtly to April and left the room.

  Jeff was standing near the nurse's station as David handed the vial to the redhead. “Get a blood gas on this for Scott Brighton,” he said.

  "Yes, Doctor.” She took the vial and walked down the hall to the lab.

  "How's the kid?” Jeff asked.

  "Fine,” he said. “Nurse Willows has him under control. In fact, I think you could have managed just fine without me."

  Jeff grinned. “She's good at her job,” he said and then under his breath, he continued, “even if she hasn't got tits worth looking at."

  David fired a glare at his colleague before he headed to the elevator. This from the guy who'd been all over April like a dirty shirt at the fundraiser a few nights ago! He hadn't been too concerned about the size of her breasts then.

  Besides, Jeff had no idea just how luscious April's breasts were. They'd fit into his hands perfectly. His palms itched at the memory of holding them.

  David hit the elevator button.

  Jeff called after him, “You wanna go for a beer after work?"

  The elevator dinged as the door slid open. David stepped in. “Nope,” he replied. “Got plans."

  As the door slid closed, David smiled. His plans involved the lovely April Willows and this time she wasn't going to slip away from him so easily!

  Chapter 5

  April walked into the nurses’ lounge and found Tilly sitting at the table, a cup of steaming coffee in front of her.

  "Who the hell does he think he is?” April fumed as she reached for a mug and filled it with coffee.

  Tilly frowned. “Who?"

  "Who else?” April shot back. “Doctor Hartley.” She walked to the table and plunked her coffee in front of her before she sat in a chair across from her friend. “He told me to go up to his office when I was finished with Scott Brighton.” April reached for the sugar and scooped two large teaspoons into her coffee. She stirred it furiously, barely noticing when the coffee sloshed over the side of her mug. “The bastard acted like he owned me."

  "You know,” Tilly said. “We were so busy today that I never got the chance to ask you how your date went with him last Friday."

  April glared across the table. “How do you think it went?” she seethed. “I kept waiting for you to show up and declare it was all a practical joke!"

  "Really?” Tilly asked. “Figured we'd leave you alone this year. A woman should have her thirtieth birthday in peace."

  "Is that right?” April shook her head angrily. “Well, I wish you'd shared that bit of information with me. I was searching closets for you, for God's sake!"

  "Closets?” Tilly frowned. “I thought you were going to some big do at the Champagne.” Then her eyes brightened. “Oh my God! You spent the night there."

  "Don't change the subject,” April said. “I know you had something concocted. Jeff Granger admitted he was in on it."

  Tilly waved her hand in dismissal. “I don't know what you're talking about.” She leaned over her coffee, her eyes bright. “Tell me about you and the good doctor."

  April took a sip from her mug and frowned. Ugh! Way too sweet. She pushed it aside and pierced Tilly with a sour gaze. She was not about to admit was just how damn stupid she'd been.

  April leapt from her chair. “I don't want to talk about it."

  Tilly quickly followed her to the cloakroom. “You screwed him, didn't you? Tell me!"

  "There's nothing to tell,” April replied as she changed her shoes and grabbed her coat.

  "Like hell there's nothing to tell. You had sex with Doctor Heartthrob and I want details."

  April attempted to brush past her. “I'm going home."

  Tilly grabbed her shoulders. “No, you're not."

  "Yes, she is."

  Both April and Tilly froze when they heard the gravely voice. April peered at the door to find David standing there, his arms folded over his chest as he leaned against the door frame.

  Tilly's hands fell away from April's shoulders. “Doctor Hartley,” she said nervously. “We were just talking about you."

  David's green eyes darkened slightly as he gazed at the woman. “So I heard."

  Tilly's face flushed. “Well, it's not that we...” she hesitated. “I mean..."

  April stifled a giggle. Tilly wasn't speechless often. In fact she couldn't think of a single time before now. It did her heart good to see her friend struggle.

  Tilly's face was crimson when she turned back to April. “See ya tomorrow,” she said. David moved aside to let her pass.

  As the door creaked closed behind her friend, the joy of seeing Tilly embarrassed quickly dissipated. April found herself in the tiny cloakroom with David blocking her escape.

  He grinned like the Cheshire Cat. He knew she had nowhere to go unless it was through him. He tilted his head lightly. “You have some ‘splaining to do,” he said in what, April supposed, was an attempt at Ricky Ricardo.

  April's brows rose. “Why? Because I didn't go running to you the second Scotty Brighton left the ER with his father?"

  David pushed off the doorframe and slowly approached her. “I expect we'll get to that sooner or later,” he said, his voice low and ominous. “But while I'm driving you home, you can start with why you ran off Friday night."

  "I thought that was obvious,” April said.
r />   "Hush,” David said as he hooked her arm. “The walls in this hospital have ears. You can explain it in my car."

  April would have smacked him across his thick head if he hadn't already dragged her out into the hall. Curious eyes landed on them as he quickly escorted her out to the parking lot.

  The moment she felt the cool April breeze waft over her, she ripped her arm out of his grip and glared up at him. “You have a hell of a lot of nerve!” she said. “How dare you drag me out of the hospital as if I were a spoiled child."

  "Shut the hell up,” David said between clenched teeth. When she opened her mouth to rebuke him, he leveled his dark gaze on her. “Not one word until we're on the road."

  April wanted to tear his eyes out. Who the hell was he to talk to her that way?

  David smiled and nodded to a passing doctor. “How ya doing, Phil?"

  "Good,” the man replied. His gaze fell to April in curiosity and then slid back to David. “How are things with you?"

  "No complaints,” he said cheerfully. “Just seeing a tired old nurse home. You know how it is."

  Tired old nurse? Excuse me?

  His colleague chuckled and leered at April as he continued to walk toward the hospital doors. “I wish."

  April was about to tell David just what she thought when he unlocked the passenger door of his car and shoved her inside.

  When David got into the car and pushed the key into the ignition, April let loose on him. “Who the hell do you think you are?” she demanded.

  David didn't reply as he guided the car out of the parking lot and onto the street.

  "You arrogant son of a bitch!” she railed.

  David calmly checked the side mirror before he smoothly changed lanes and sped up.

  "Don't you have anything to say?"

  "As a matter of fact, no I don't,” he said as he checked the rearview mirror. “I'm still waiting for you to explain why you took off Friday night."

  April's gaze fell to the road. “That's a no-brainer,” she said. “I made a mistake."

  "What does that mean?” David asked. “You didn't want me to lick your pussy after all?"

  April felt her heart drop to her toes. Her face flushed with embarrassment. She clapped her hands to her cheeks and squeezed her eyes closed. “That's not what I meant,” she snapped.

  "So you did want me to—"

  "Yes ... I mean no!” April cried. “God, I don't know.” Her mind whirled. “I mean it never should have happened in the first place. When you asked me out, I thought I was being set-up."

  "As in a practical joke?"

  "Yes. So I thought if I acted like a...” She couldn't find the words to continue.

  "A whore?” David asked.

  Damn him. “Well, er, yeah, I guess so,” she said. “I thought I'd scare you off."

  David laughed. “That was your first mistake."

  "And it wasn't my last,” April said as she gazed out the window. “It went downhill from there."

  "What?” David exclaimed. “I thought things got a lot better as the evening progressed."

  April rolled her eyes. “No surprise there,” she said. “As long as the guy gets laid, he doesn't care how he got there."

  David didn't take his eyes off the road. “Is that what you really think?"

  April shook her head. “Of course it is,” she said hotly. “Just consider the movies men get off on."

  David's brows furrowed. “What movies?"

  April frowned as the car sped down the road. “You missed my road."

  He nodded. “Yeah. I'm taking you to my place."

  "Excuse me?” Her hand flew to her throat. “You said you'd drive me home."

  David cast a gaze toward her. His eyes sparkled with mischief. “I didn't say whose home I was taking you to, did I?"

  April's heart leapt into her throat. Her body hummed with possibilities she didn't dare consider. She nodded numbly.

  David's eyes went back to the road. “You were telling me about movies men get off on."

  God. How had she gotten into this mess? David wasn't the type to let anything go. It's what made him a prominent and sought-after pediatrician. It was her mistake thinking it applied only to his profession. She'd made the comment and now she'd have to back it up with facts.

  "You're toying with me,” she accused. “You know damn well I'm talking about pornography."

  David's eyes never left the road. Tiny crinkles formed around his eyes as he grinned. “Sounds like you know a lot about pornographic movies,” he said. “Tell me what you think."

  April's gaze skittered to the passenger window. It was the last thing she wanted to discuss with him. She searched her mind for something to say, to change the subject. Her stomach growled. “I'm hungry,” she said. “Can we pop into a drive-thru for something to eat?"

  David shook his head. “I've got a large sirloin steak marinating in my fridge,” he said. “And don't change the subject."

  "All right!” she cried as she glared at his profile. “I once dated a guy who was into pornography. He wanted to act them out. It was no more satisfying for me than it was for the woman in the movie. It's always about the man's needs. The woman is just there to satisfy them."

  There! For the first time in her life, she'd said it out loud. She didn't care what David thought, it felt damn good to finally say what she felt.

  She squeezed her eyes closed as she waited for his response.

  Nothing. All she heard was the humming of the engine as the car sped down the highway.

  April bit her lower lip and slowly opened her eyes. She turned her head slowly and gazed at David. His face showed no emotion as he continued to focus on the road.

  But the silence was deafening and the unexpressive look on his face made her blood boil with rage. Clearly, he was of the same mindset as her former boyfriend.

  "The least you could do is pull over to let me out,” she said through clenched teeth.

  David frowned and peered at her. “Why would I do that?"

  "Because we both know what you expect when we get to your place,” she said tightly. “And you don't seem like the kind of guy who'd get off knowing the woman you're with won't enjoy it."

  * * * *

  You got that right!

  David slowed the car and turned to his left. As he maneuvered around a few curves, he struggled to keep his car at the speed limit.

  He quelled the urge to stop in the middle of the road and show April exactly what he was feeling. He wanted to sink his cock deep inside her so much that his hands trembled on the steering wheel.

  Steady, Davey.

  He had all night to show her just how much she'd enjoy sex with him. He only hoped he'd be able to last as long as it took to take her to the brink.

  David pulled the car into his driveway and hit the remote to open the garage door.

  "Wow,” April exclaimed as he slid the car inside. “What a beautiful home!"

  Yeah, yeah.

  He didn't care how impressed she was by the modern split-level bungalow. As the garage door slid closed behind them, he quickly got out, his rock-hard penis in full control.

  She was out of the car before he got to the passenger door. He snagged her arm and quickly led her into the house.

  She gasped with appreciation when they walked into the open-concept kitchen. “Lovely,” she cooed.

  Shit. He didn't want to hear word one of her appreciation for the house.

  Fact was it was built to suit his ex-wife. He'd had little to say about the design and, truth be told, he really didn't care. Serena had overseen the construction of the house while he worked sixteen hour days. It was everything she wanted. Including three extra bedrooms intended for the children they'd never have.

  Damn. He didn't want to go there. He'd brought April to his home with one thing in mind, getting her into his bed. He hated the house. Hated everything about it. From the lush carpets to the ornate window sashes. There was nothing in the house that reflec
ted his style, his taste and fuck, his wishes. Serena ignored every single suggestion he had, other than the extra bedrooms, and gone with her own sense of style.

  David glanced around the stylish yet functional kitchen. He supposed his ex-wife did have very good taste. She wanted it to be a show piece, a place to entertain guests. It certainly was that and more.

  He supposed what he hated about the house was what it represented. It was once a home, a place David came to for solace and peace ... in the arms of a woman he loved with all his heart. A place his wishes would one day come to fruition.

  All that was gone now. When he discovered what Serena had done, the home they'd shared became nothing more than four walls to keep the rain off his head, and a place to crash after working long hours. A house that would never be a home again.

  So why did he stay?

  David would have pondered the question further if it hadn't been for April peering at him. He shook the thoughts from his mind.

  "Yeah,” he said. “It suits my needs."

  April smiled. “I'm sure it does,” she said as she leaned her back against the island in the middle of the kitchen and peered up at him. “But the question remains,” she said, “why did you bring me here?"

  David's rock-hard cock strained against the fly of his cotton pants. He felt like a lion about to pounce on its prey. “Why do you think I brought you here?” he said, amazed by how his voice sounded so deep and guttural even to his own ears.

  April's gaze fell to the floor. “I expect you want a repeat performance of our night in the hotel."

  Damn straight! Only this time she wouldn't escape.

  David struggled not to move in on her. His predatory nature, one he didn't know existed until he'd made love to April Willows, wanted to pounce, to force her into submission and then take him, all of him. He wanted to bury his cock deep inside her, to hear her beg for more.

  He shoved his hands into the back pockets of his pants in an effort to keep himself reined in. “Can you blame me?” he asked. “You only gave me a taste. You left me needing more."

  April's liquid blue eyes shot at him, digging into his soul. “You don't understand,” she said, as if it were a plea. “I thought it was a set-up. I only did those things because...” She hesitated.