April's Fool Page 6
"No!” April cried as her body gave way to a flood of sheer pleasure. She thrashed on the bed, trying to escape his touch, not wanting it to end.
"Give in,” David said as his thumb continued to press against her clit. “Let yourself enjoy the moment. Let me give that to you."
April screamed as her body suddenly wracked with erotic spasms. She felt her hips lift to his touch and suddenly slam on the bed as release overtook her. Her moist core contracted around his cock.
David moaned as he found his release, emptying his white-hot sperm into her. April gasped. Her body tightened around him, drinking in every ounce of fluid he spilled.
She shuddered as he collapsed over her, his body spent, his lungs gasping for air. Her arms circled his shoulders and pulled him closer to her. She held him tight against her as her body reveled in his weight over her.
"I can feel your heartbeat,” David whispered into her ear.
April's hands slid up his back and gently tangled in his hair. Yes, she could feel his heart thundering against her chest too.
But could he feel her heart snapping in two? Could he feel her lifeblood spilling onto the bed?
How could she ever let him go now? Even if Tilly hadn't set her up for a fall, she knew he saw her as a simple tryst, an easy lay, a means to satisfy his carnal needs.
If only he'd chosen someone else. Tilly would gladly have fed his need and she wouldn't have asked for anything more. Why did he have to choose her?
And God help her, why did she have to fall in love with him?
Chapter 7
When David parked his car in the hospital parking lot, he quickly checked his watch. It was five minutes to seven. “See?” he said triumphantly. “I told you we wouldn't be late."
"Yeah, yeah,” April replied as she hustled out of his car and ran to the doors. “I've got five minutes to spare before I punch in."
David quickly caught up to her. “Come on,” he said. “What's the big deal if you're a few minutes late?"
April stopped and glared up at him. “As the resident pediatrician, there's no harm in being late,” she said. “But I'm a nurse. If I clock in just a few minutes late, I get docked an hour."
David stared down at her blankly. He shrugged. “So what?"
April rolled her eyes. “So I need the money,” she said as she pushed through the doors.
As she turned down the hall, David grabbed her arm and whirled her into his embrace.
"Let me go!” April cried. “I've got about three minutes to clock in and it's halfway across the building."
David grinned. “One kiss and I'll let you go,” he said.
April looked around before she leaned up and planted a quick kiss on his lips. Her eyes pleaded. “Okay, please let me go now."
It wasn't enough. He needed so much more. He pulled her to him and closed his mouth over hers. The deep kiss made his blood boil, made his body yearn for more.
April struggled against him. She ripped her mouth from his. “Please, David,” she pleaded. “I have to go!"
The second he released her, she raced down the hall. He watched her hips sway as she made her escape. It took all his restraint not to run after her, to pull her into the nearest closet and make sweet love to her again.
He watched as she disappeared through a set of doors. They swung in her wake, creating a soft breeze in the hall ... one smelling of April's unique scent.
David whistled cheerfully as he walked to the elevator. Oh yeah, he had a thing going on with April Willows. Whatever it was, it was goddamn sweet.
As the elevator whisked him to his seventh floor office, he supposed if he'd met someone like April sooner in his life, he wouldn't have been so anxious to toss the entire human race aside.
Okay, so he didn't know April that well yet but from what little he knew, she was everything Serena wasn't. He'd seen how April was with Scotty. She loved kids. She'd make a great mother.
When the elevator stopped on his floor, David stepped out and began whistling again. He knew he was jumping the gun. In fact, he wished he could rein himself in. But he had a gut feeling about April. She was his soul mate. The one he was meant to grow old with.
Now all he had to do was convince her of that.
* * * *
"Why the hell would you have unprotected sex with Doctor Hartley!” Tilly cried.
April raised her hands in an effort to quiet her friend. She looked from side to side in the locker room.
"Hush,” April whispered urgently. “The last thing I need is for this to get around."
Tilly's voice fell a few octaves. “I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I just can't believe you had sex with anyone without using precautions. Do you have any idea what might have happened?"
"I know,” April said as she shook her head. “I know it was stupid.” She turned away as she slipped into her work shoes. “I just got so damn carried away. It never occurred to me. Hell, the first time he made a point of using a condom."
The second she felt long nails digging into her shoulders, she realized her mistake. Tilly whisked her around, her bright green eyes assailing her. “You fucked him before this?” Tilly's eyes rounded as her hands fell away.
"I'd rather not talk about this at work,” April said.
"Did you screw him at the fundraiser?"
"No,” April replied. “What do you think I am?"
"But you screwed him after the fundraiser.” It wasn't a question.
"All right,” April said softly as she headed out the locker room door with Tilly in hot pursuit. “Yes, we fooled around after."
"This is huge!” Tilly exclaimed. “Do you realize you'll be the envy of every nurse in the hospital?"
April turned and braced her hands on her friend's shoulders. “Tilly,” she said. “I told you in confidence. As my best friend, I'm asking you to keep this quiet. I don't want anyone else to know."
Tilly smiled wickedly. “Who said you're my best friend?"
"Please!” April pleaded. “I don't want everyone gossiping about me."
"What you don't want is for everyone to know you're not as tight-assed as they say you are."
"That too,” April conceded. “Can I trust you?"
Tilly pressed her lips together and motioned with her fingers as if she was locking her mouth closed. “Don't worry,” she said. “It's in the vault."
April sighed with relief. “Thank you, Tilly,” she said. “I knew I could count on you."
They walked down the hall in silence for a moment. Then Tilly spoke up. “You know, there's still the fact that you had unprotected sex."
"I know, I know,” April said. “I took a huge chance with all the STDs out there."
"Well, yes,” Tilly replied. “But from what I hear, the good doctor hasn't screwed around since his wife left him. The chances are slim but..."
April cut her off. “Trust me, I know. Even if the odds are slim, there's still a chance."
Tilly shook her head. “Yes, but that's not what I was going to say.” She didn't wait for April to question her. “Have you considered the fact you might be pregnant?"
April went numb, her mind whirled. She took a deep breath and shook her head. Nah. Surely not! “The odds are slim for that too,” she said.
Tilly shrugged as they pushed through the doors leading to the ER. “You can always take ‘The Morning After’ pill to be on the safe side."
Before April could reply, a booming voice came up from behind them. “Good morning, ladies!"
April whirled around to see Jeff Granger a few feet away. Oh my God! What if he'd heard their conversation? She smiled weakly, trying to gauge the expression on his face. “Good morning."
Jeff walked past them, literally pushing Tilly to one side, as he walked toward the nurse's station.
"Fuck,” Tilly said through clenched teeth. “I hate that jerk! Can you believe he asked me to the Teen Phone fundraiser? Like I'd want to be caught dead within twenty feet of that—” She stopped dead when sh
e looked at April. Her eyes widened. “Holy shit, girl, you're white as a ghost!"
"Do you think he heard us?"
* * * *
David counted the minutes until four p.m. He and April hadn't made plans for the evening but he knew there was no question he'd see her again ... and again ... and again.
Shit. What the hell had come over him? He was acting like a horny high school teenager. And yet, when he thought about her soft body, the way he felt when he was buried deep inside her, he couldn't help it. He simply could not get enough of her.
David thumbed his fingers on his desk. Just a few more minutes. Hold on, Davey, hold on!
The office door opened partly and Linda stuck her head inside. “Doctor Hartley, your last patient is a no-show,” she said. “I called and the mother said she'd forgotten. They rebooked for next week."
David shot up from his desk. “Fine."
Fine? It was better than fine. It was fabulous.
He quickly brushed past his secretary. “Lock up for me, will ya?” If Linda had a problem with it, he didn't give her the opportunity to voice it. He was out of the office and down the hall in seconds flat.
"Now, to find my sweet April,” he whispered as he stepped onto the elevator.
As he was whisked to the ground floor, a thought occurred to him. He was April's Fool. He chuckled softly as the doors slid open and he walked toward the ER. That was just fine with him. If he had to be anyone's fool, it might as well be his sweet, delectable April Willows'.
David walked up to the nurses’ station and slapped his hand on the counter. A young blond nurse looked up at him. “Hello, Doctor Hartley. Can I help you?"
"Where's Nurse Willows?"
The young woman titled her head to one side, offering a slight smile. “Her shift ended an hour ago,” she supplied. “But I'd be happy to help you."
Damn! He'd completely forgotten. She'd insisted she be at the hospital before seven. Of course she'd be done at three. And she clearly didn't wait around for his office to close at four.
David nodded to the nurse. “Thanks but there's nothing I need."
Her blue eyes glittered as she smiled at him. “Are you sure?"
David backed away from the counter. She had to be kidding! “Yeah, I'm very sure. Thanks anyway."
David pondered what to do next as he walked to his car. Should he go to her house or should he play it cool, give her some space for one night?
He bit back the urge to find her and opted for space. As hard as it was for him to do, he'd give her one night of peace before he crashed into her life again. Besides, he hadn't been out with the guys in a long time.
He snapped his cell phone open and dialed Jeff's number.
"Yeah, call some of the other guys and meet me at Sheilough's Bar and Grill in twenty minutes."
Chapter 8
"I'm telling ya, Davey, it's a great way to raise money for the Teens’ Help phone line,” Doug Stevens said over the loud rock music playing in the bar. “All you have to do is sign on a few nice looking bachelors and the women will line up to bid on them. You could raise several thousand in one night if you get the right kinda men."
David looked at the lawyer and shook his head. “Sounds like a great idea,” he said. “But where would I find the bachelors?"
"You could count on me,” Jeff said before he tipped his bottle of beer to his mouth and took a long swallow.
Mark Walters chuckled and shook his head. “My man,” he said as he slapped Jeff on his back, “there are few women desperate enough to date you at all, let alone pay for the privilege."
David laughed heartily as Jeff snorted. “Hah, at least I'm not a dentist. There's no profession less sexy than what you do for a living."
Mark frowned. “Hey, I do very well."
"Sure,” Doug replied. “But I think Jeff's talking about your ability to bank women, not money."
"Fuck you,” Mark said before he laughed.
"See now,” Jeff said as he looked at Doug. “I don't think a lawyer is much better."
David laughed along with his three friends. “Well, I'll keep the bachelor auction idea in mind."
"Good,” Doug replied. “If you're short of bachelors, you could always sign yourself up."
Before David could reply, Jeff quickly cut in. “Naw, as my ol’ grandma used to say, Davey's sparkin’ on someone.” He leaned toward Doug and nudged him. “It's what I call pussy-whipped."
David frowned as his three friends laughed. He glowered at Jeff. “What the fuck are you talking about?"
Jeff shrugged. He waved a hand and batted his eyes. “Oh gosh and golly,” he said in a poor attempt to sound like a woman. “I'm sworn to secrecy."
David's frown deepened as Jeff made a show of zipping his lips closed with his fingers, locking them and tossing the key down his shirt. “It's in the vault,” he said. Doug and Mark laughed loudly when Jeff held his hands under his make-belief breasts and jiggled them over the table.
David leaned back in his chair as he eyed Jeff suspiciously.
* * * *
April gazed down at the glass of chilled white wine Tilly had just put on the coffee table in front of her. “I don't think I should,” she said.
Tilly flopped down on an overstuffed chair across from the sofa. She rolled her eyes as she took a long sip from her glass. She smacked her lips before she replied. “For fuck's sake, April. If you are pregnant, you're less than a week in. I don't think a glass of wine is going to hurt."
April rose from the couch. “Well, you know how bad alcohol is for a fetus. I'd just feel better having a glass of milk.” She walked to the kitchenette and reached for the refrigerator handle. “You don't mind, do you?"
Tilly grinned. “If there's milk in my fridge, it'll be so outdated that your fetus might sprout a tail. The ice in the freezer is fresh so have a glass of cold water instead."
April plunked two ice cubes into a plastic tumbler and filled it with water from the tap. She walked back to the sofa and reached for the glass of wine. “Want me to throw it out?"
"No!” Tilly cried as she leaned forward and took the glass from April. She set it down on her side of the coffee table. “I'll make sure it doesn't go to waste."
April smiled as she sat down on the sofa and gazed across at her friend. God, she'd have loved to have a glass of wine. But when there was a chance, even a remote one, that she could be pregnant, she didn't want to do anything that might cause harm to the child.
April placed both hands around the plastic tumbler and rested against the back of the sofa. “What would you have done?” she asked.
Tilly's eyes furrowed as she sipped her wine. “What do you mean?"
"I mean about the morning after pill,” April pressed. “Would you have taken it?"
Tilly's eyes clouded slightly. “There was a time I would have without giving it much thought,” she said. “But no, I wouldn't have done it today.” Her eyes filled with tears as she gazed at April. “As far as I'm concerned, you made the right choice."
April peered up at the ceiling in an effort to keep her own tears at bay. When that didn't work, she buried her nose in her glass and took a long drink of water. When she finally placed the tumbler on the table between them, she found the strength to reply. “Yes, I know I did. But if I really am pregnant, do I tell David?"
Tilly drained her glass of wine and quickly picked up the one April had abandoned. “I don't know. It's not like you have a long history together. Do you even know if he likes kids?"
"Well, come on,” April said. “He's a pediatrician!"
"So he's fond of other people's children,” Tilly pointed out. “You can shove those kids off on their parents and be free."
"Good point,” April said.
Tilly continued. “He was married and never had any children of his own."
April's heart tightened. Yes. That makes sense. There's a big difference between thinking kids are cute and wanting to raise them. And she had to admit; she di
dn't know David well enough to know what he wanted in his life.
What if he didn't want a child? What if she told him she was pregnant and he insisted she have an abortion?
"The good news is that you've got some time to figure out what you'll do,” Tilly said. “You won't know for sure for a couple weeks."
April nodded. Yes, Tilly is right. But something inside her needed to know now. And what if David tossed her out on her butt? How would she feel never knowing his sweet touch again?
April rose from the sofa. “I'm sorry,” she said to her friend. “I have to go."
* * * *
David stood on the sidewalk outside of Sheilough's as his three friends piled into a taxi. Doug howled when someone, probably Jeff, cut one. He rolled down the window and pushed his head out. “Holy fuck!” he exclaimed.
He shook his head as the taxi pulled away from the curb and sped down the street. He was glad he'd chosen a bar within two blocks of home. Leaving his car in the parking lot wasn't a hassle since it was only a ten minute walk to his house.
David thought about Jeff's comments earlier in the evening. While it had bothered him all evening, he'd made a point of not asking Jeff about it again. If it was something important, he'd find out sooner or later. At least, that's what he'd tried to convince himself.
As David walked up his quiet street and rounded the corner that would lead to his house, he suddenly caught April's fragrance in the still night air.
God, how he missed her. Even his mind was playing tricks on him.
David pushed the gate open and walked up the path leading to the side of his house. April's sweet scent assailed him again, this time stronger and much more real. He rounded the side of the house and walked to the front.
He stopped in mid-stride when he saw a shadowy figure on his front steps. His scenes filled with April's heady scent.
He knew who he'd find. He knew it was her.
David quickly closed the distance and stopped just in front of his steps. There she sat on the top step, her head resting against the wrought iron railing. David bent over slightly and took a closer look. Yes, she was fast asleep.