April's Fool Page 7
His heart lifted. He'd planned to give her space but she couldn't take it. She'd come looking for him.
He leaned forward and touched her cheek. Her skin felt like ice. When he ran his fingers through her hair, she woke.
"David,” she mumbled. “I need to tell you something."
He pulled his house key out of his pocket and opened the door before he gathered her into his arms. “You're freezing,” he said as he pushed the door open and carried her inside. “First we need to warm you up and then we can talk."
"What time is it?” she asked groggily.
"Almost two in the morning,” he replied as he carefully placed her on his sofa. “How long were you out there?"
April leaned back and rubbed her eyes. “Uhm, an hour maybe."
David frowned as he sat on the coffee table in front of her. He didn't buy it. “Only an hour?"
"Okay,” she said. “I got here at eleven and decided to wait for you to come home.” She shrugged and offered a sleepy smile. “Guess I fell asleep."
Lord, whatever she needed to tell him must be pretty damn important. He shook his head. Whatever it was, it'd have to wait. He took her hand and pulled her off the sofa. “Come with me."
Her eyes flew open. “Where are we going?"
"Upstairs,” he said as he led the way.
April wrenched her hand out of his. “No,” she said, her eyes wide open now. “We need to talk before we have sex again."
David chuckled and reached for her hand. “You're getting into a hot shower to take the chill off."
"Oh,” April replied. “I thought you were taking me to your bed."
David whisked her to his chest and planted a firm kiss on her lips. Then he lifted his head and gazed into her brilliant blue eyes. “Trust me,” he said. “We don't need a bed to make love. That's something I intend to show you over time."
He led her upstairs to his bedroom and into the ensuite bathroom. She wobbled slightly as he started the shower. Then she began to shiver. “God,” she said as she leaned against the vanity. “I really am cold."
David turned the taps and held his hand under the spray. “It's just right,” he said as he turned to her. “You want me to help you get undressed?"
"No,” she said firmly. “I know where that will lead and I need to talk to you first.” She pointed to the door. “I can manage on my own. Please leave."
Damn. Unfortunately, he knew she was right. One look at her delectable body and his cock would take on a life of its own.
He reluctantly walked out and pulled the door closed behind him. He walked to his bed and breathed a long sigh as he sat down.
What was it about April that made him such a fool? How was it that after deciding the entire human race couldn't be trusted, he'd met the one woman who could make him believe again? What was she doing to him?
Every time he was near her, he felt a deeper connection.
David folded his arms over his chest and shook his head. Every time he thought of her, the connection between them deepened. Was it possible April was his soul mate? Was it possible she was put on this earth to—
A blood-curdling scream shattered his thoughts. His heart hammered as he raced into the bathroom. He ripped back the shower curtain. “April!” he yelled. “Are you okay?"
"No, I'm not okay,” she howled back at him. She was standing at the back of the tub, her body shivering. “I tried to adjust the taps and the water went completely cold!"
David breathed a sigh of relief as he reached for the taps and turned them slightly. “You have to turn them the other way to get hotter,” he said.
As the steam rose from the hot water spraying from the showerhead, his eyes roved over her naked body from top to bottom. The moment his eyes landed on her pebbled nipples, he knew he was lost.
He tore his clothes off and stepped into the tub. She was in his arms, his body pressed against hers, his rock-hard penis pressed against her abdomen before he knew what he was doing.
His mouth closed over her lips before she could protest. And, thank God, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and returned the lusty kiss.
He pulled her under the spray of warm water and held her tight against him. He tore his mouth from hers as he lifted her legs around his waist and braced his arms against the shower wall. “I told you we didn't need a bed to make love,” he said through clenched teeth.
April's reply was a guttural moan as he slammed his cock deep inside her. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, her arms circled his shoulders as her body accepted his girth.
Water sluiced over them as they engaged in an age-old dance, each giving and taking equally. David was vaguely aware of the water splashing between their bodies as he pulled his cock out and crashed back inside her moist portal. Each thrust took him closer to the edge, closer to what he knew was perfection. And he wanted it so much. He wanted to know it could be established with a woman he was meant to be with for the rest of his life.
And he was determined not to go alone.
As she clung to him, he reached between them and slid his fingers over her engorged clit. She cried out, her head falling against the shower wall as each stroke took her closer to orgasm.
"Tell me you love me,” David said as his fingers continued their assault.
Water slid over April's face as she squeezed her eyes closed and rocked her head side to side.
He knew he couldn't last much longer. He needed to hear it. “April,” he said through clenched teeth. “Tell me."
April's body convulsed against him. Her vagina contracted, tightening its hold on his swollen cock. As her body wracked with spasm after spasm, she finally opened her eyes and looked into his. “Yes!” she cried. “I love you. I love you!"
That was all he needed to hear. His body exploded, his cock delivering white hot semen into her, forcing her to accept his seed.
Chapter 9
Was it possible to have a sex hangover?
Every muscle protested as April slowly pulled herself out of David's bed that morning. After the shower, things were a blur. She was vaguely aware of crawling into bed with him and soon falling asleep.
She sat on the edge of the bed, knowing she was alone. David had woken her when the sun was just beginning to peek through the bedroom window. He'd said something about having to leave for work. And then he began to touch her. Before she was fully awake, she was rolled onto her stomach and pulled up on her knees. He drove into her from behind, pushing her toward another explosive orgasm.
April glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table. She blinked and looked again. The bright red font repeated what she already knew. It was almost noon.
She ran her fingers through her hair. Thank God she had the day off! But she hadn't achieved what she'd set out to do last night. She hadn't talked to David about the what ifs.
She moaned and threw herself onto the bed.They'd gone on to have unprotected sex again. Not once, but twice. If she wasn't pregnant before, there was a darn good chance she was now.
April struggled off the bed and walked to the bathroom to retrieve her clothes.
She had to talk to him. She had to do it now.
* * * *
When Linda opened the door and peered inside, David looked up and smiled at her. “Yes, Linda?"
"Your first appointment was cancelled,” she said softly.
David grinned back at her. Nothing would get him down today. Not after last night ... not after April admitted she was in love with him. “That's fine, Linda."
"And Doctor Hartley..."
The door burst open and Jeff walked in.
Linda took a deep breath. David knew it took everything inside her to keep from lambasting his friend. “...Doctor Granger would like to see you."
Jeff pivoted and gazed at the woman. “Admit it,” he said. “You hate me, don't you?"
She rolled her eyes and pulled the door closed.
David shook his head as Jeff f
lopped into the chair across from his desk. “Why do you insist on torturing Linda?"
Jeff shrugged. “Don't know. I think it would help if she'd just admit she doesn't like me."
"Trust me, she doesn't like you,” David replied. “She's just not the type who'll come out and say it."
Jeff leaned forward and grasped a glass paperweight off the desk. He turned it in his hand as he examined it carefully. “I wonder if the same could be said for all women,” he said idly.
David frowned and closed the file he'd been working on. “What's that supposed to mean?"
Jeff replaced the paperweight. His eyes trained on the wall over David's head. “Hey, is that a picture of your father?"
"You know it is,” David said through clenched teeth. Jeff was nothing if not transparent. There was something he wanted to say, a reason Jeff had come to see him this morning. “Stop stalling."
Jeff fidgeted in his chair for a moment before he finally made eye contact. He took a deep breath. “Okay,” he said. “Maybe this won't bother you as much as I think it will. But given your history with Serena—"
David cut him off. “I'd rather not think about my ex-wife,” he said. “I've moved on."
"Yes,” Jeff said quickly. “You have and it's about time. But..."
"But what?"
"I overheard a conversation between April and that redheaded nurse,” Jeff began. “You know the one.” He held his hands out in front of him. “She has tits out to—"
"Yes!” David said impatiently. “So what?"
Jeff shifted in his chair. “All right, I'll come right out and tell you. Seems April was worried about being pregnant. They had a discussion about her taking Ovral."
David's gaze never shifted from his friend's face, though his felt his entire body go cold. April talked about taking the morning after pill?
He felt cemented to the chair, unable to move. His eyes narrowed. “Are you serious?” His voice sounded as though it was someone else's, coming from a long distance away, echoing in his head.
Jeff leaned back in his chair. He was clearly uneasy. “Hey, you know I've shot a lot of bullshit over the years but I've always been straight with you."
"You're certain April said she was going to take Ovral?"
"No, I'm not certain,” Jeff said quickly. “I told you I heard them talking about it. I was going to tell you about it last night at Sheilough's."
Damn. Sweet ever-loving shit.
David slammed his hand on the desk. “Why the fuck didn't you?” God, he needed to think.
"Hey,” Jeff said as he rose from his chair. “Don't shoot the messenger. I thought you should know, is all."
David struggled not to lunge over the desk and grab Jeff's throat. Did he have any idea how much difference this bit of information would have made just twelve hours earlier? “Just go,” David said, his blood boiling, his body seething.
Jeff walked to the door and opened it. “For what it's worth,” he said over his shoulder, “I don't think April's anything like Serena."
When the door closed behind him, David swiped his arm over the desk, sending everything flying across the room. Jeff's final words meant nothing to him. What did the guy know about women anyway? More to the point, what the fuck did he know about a woman carrying his unborn child?
David wanted to rip the office apart with his bare hands. He wanted the office to reflect the destruction he felt in his heart.
He struggled to draw air into his lungs. Just last night, she said she loved him. Yes, he pushed her into admitting it. He'd waited until she was too weak with desire to deny her feelings. But that offered little to assuage his anger.
A soft rap on the office door drew his attention. Linda peeked in. “Your nine a.m. appointment is here.” She frowned when her eyes landed on his cleared desk and the mess on the floor. “I'll tell them you'll be a few minutes late,” she said. “Let me know when you're available."
She pulled the door closed before David replied. And even if he'd been able to think of something to say, he wasn't sure he could have voiced it.
He got off his chair and crouched to retrieve the papers strewn about the office.
April. Sweet April!
He'd been so certain. So sure she was his soul mate. Yet, the ugly truth was she was no different from the woman he'd once been married to. The only real difference was April decided to do something about it before her pregnancy was confirmed.
David felt himself slip back to the man he was before he'd met April. Only this time, he knew he'd never be such a fool again. No one would ever penetrate his armor again.
He gathered the papers and placed them back on his desk. He knew he'd struggle but he would, in no uncertain terms, move on. There was just one thing he'd have to do before that could happen. He'd have to face April.
* * * *
April walked into her house and sighed in relief when she dumped several bags on the sofa. She'd had a pleasant day and was looking forward to seeing David tonight.
She walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on to boil. Nothing tasted better than a cup of tea after a full day of shopping.
When she returned to the living room, she noticed the tiny red light blinking on her answering machine. She pressed the button.
You have two new messages. The metallic voice hesitated before it continued, I will play your new messages.
April stood over the machine as the first message played. Hey, it's Tilly. Call me as soon as you get this message. It's urgent!
April rolled her eyes. Everything was urgent when it came to Tilly. She waited for the second message.
Yeah, it's David. I'll be there at five.
April frowned. He'd sounded so terse. “Poor David,” she whispered. “Did you have a bad day?"
April turned to the bags on the sofa. She opened one and pulled out a scarlet two-piece negligee. “This will cheer you up, my darling."
She glanced at her watch. She had to hurry. David would be at her door in less than an hour. She grabbed the rest of the bags and ran upstairs.
After a quick shower, April blow-dried her hair and carefully applied make-up. She wanted to look perfect for David.
She dashed to her bedroom and quickly snipped the tags off the negligee. She stepped into the teddy and turned to look in the mirror.
"Oh my God,” she whispered. “I look like a whore.” The red fabric stretched over her like a second skin, every part of her body visible through the thin lace. She glanced lower and moaned when she saw the tuft of pubic hair between her legs.
Damn! What had possessed her to buy a crotchless teddy?
April grabbed the wrap and quickly pushed her arms into it. She pulled the folds over her chest and peered at her reflection again. The wrap was whisper thin and hid nothing. She could still see her nipples and, while it was a bit longer, her pubic hair was visible through the filmy fabric.
April glanced at her bedside clock radio. Ten to five. David would arrive soon but, hopefully, she'd have enough time to change into a pair of jeans and t-shirt. God knew anything was better than what she had on!
Just as she pulled a dresser door open, her phone rang. April glanced around and moaned when she saw the cradle for her portable phone was empty. God knew where she'd left it.
As she raced down the stairs to grab the phone by the sofa, she hoped David was calling to say he'd be a bit late.
"Hello,” April said breathlessly.
"Thank God I finally got you!"
April moaned inwardly. “Tilly,” she said urgently. “I don't have time to talk right now. David's going to be here any minute."
"That's why I need to talk to you."
The doorbell rang.
Oh no!
"I really don't have time right now,” April said. “I'll call you back."
Bing bong. The doorbell rang again.
"Just a minute!” she called to the door.
"April,” Tilly said. “There's something you need to know. I was ta
lking to Jeff Granger this afternoon and—"
Bing bong! Bing bong! David seemed to lean on the button this time. April smiled. He was quite impatient. Hell, so was she.
"Tilly, I'm sorry. I really have to go. I'll call you later.” April hung up before her friend could say another word.
She glanced down at herself. “Oh God,” she whispered. If only David hadn't been so damn punctual. Well, she didn't have time to change now. She could only hope he'd appreciate the view.
Just as the bell rang again, April unlocked the door and quickly stepped to one side. “Come in,” she called.
The door blew open and David walked in. He didn't look back as he pushed it closed with force.
David peered straight ahead of him. “April!” he howled. “Where are you?"
April's hand went to her throat. “Right here,” she said softly. “Behind you."
David whirled around. She was immediately stricken by the glare of his deep green eyes. His nostrils flared, his chest heaved. The air in the room cooled several degrees as his eyes washed over her. They lingered briefly at her breasts and longer still at the point between her legs.
April smiled nervously but didn't move. “Do you like what you see?” she asked weakly.
David's gaze slowly rose back to her face. His glare penetrated her as he slowly shook his head. “No,” he said, his voice a raspy whisper. “As a matter of fact, I don't like what I see."
April's face fell in disappointment. “Oh.” She attempted to shrug lightly. “Well, that's okay. I'll go change then."
When she took a step forward, David suddenly moved on her. He pinned her to the wall and held her in place. “You're not going anywhere,” he said through clenched teeth. “Not until I'm done with you. And I'll let you know when I am."
His hands on her waist hurt as his fingers dug into her skin. Her body quivered as she peered up at his severe face. “David,” she said breathlessly. “What's wrong?"
David's head fell back as he laughed. “What's wrong? Why the fuck would you care?"
"I care very much,” April replied. “And you're scaring me."
David's eyes narrowed. “Oh, don't be afraid,” he said softly, ominously. “I'm here to give you what you want.” He stepped away from her and undid his pants. His penis sprang free, fully erect. “And this is what you want, isn't it? This is all you've ever wanted."